PGDP-922 : Hospital-Clinical Oral / Maxillofacial Surgery

This course is designed for students to gain clinical experience in their progression toward clinical competence in various clinical disciplines, in the treatment of the adult, child, geriatric and special needs patient population in a diverse, multicultural, humanistic environment. Students are assigned rotation groups of 3 to 4 students each. They are assigned to the various clinical areas by groups. There are a number of components of the Clinical Rotation course for both D3 and D4 students. The students have daily assignments. D3 and D4 students are assigned on according to a predetermined schedule at the commencement of each semester. The rotation clinics are Community Dentistry and the Chronically Ill and Aged Program for D4 students; then for both D3 and D4 students Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Diagnosis, Radiology, Emergency Services, Orthodontics, and Pediatric Dentistry. Students are also assigned to the general clinic which is indicated on the schedule by the letter "C" for their rotation groups. The general clinic consists of Endodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, and Restorative Dentistry. The Clinical rotations are a major component of the Clinical curriculum of the College of Dentistry. In each of the clinical rotations listed, patients are scheduled by the department for the rotating student to treat, aside from the student's family of assigned patients, all with a patient centered comprehensive care approach. When the students are scheduled to the general clinic, they are required to appoint their assigned patients, directed by the faculty, to the appropriate discipline in their patients' proper sequence of comprehensive treatment. In addition to these rotations there is a Clinical Dentistry component to ensure that the students have a variety of experiences to enhance their knowledge of practice management and dental education.



Postgraduate Dental Program


Credits 9