PGDP-640 : Pediatric Dentistry Clinic/Hospital

This course is designed to give the postdoctoral resident a broad base of information concerning the specialty of pediatric dentistry in a way that will result in their ability to confidently practice as a specialist in pediatric dentistry. It is designed to integrate fundamentals of pediatric dentistry with clinical techniques and to allow the resident to theorize and apply those fundamentals through critical thinking. This course will also incorporate elements of evidence-based dentistry as it relates to the pediatric, adolescent, and special needs population. The clinical experience will enhance the residents' ability to assess the pediatric patient's behavior and assess the need for behavior modification techniques. For the patient who needs sedation, the resident will be able to assess and monitor the patient before, during and after the sedation appointment. The resident will also incorporate the critical thinking skills to assess those pediatric patients who must be treated in the operating room. The residents will to able to assess, workup, complete and follow up the pediatric patients treated in the operating room. The clinic will also provide the resident with experience in the teaching of the pre-doctoral students in the treatment of children with special needs.



Postgraduate Dental Program


Credits 7