PGDP-619 : Orthodontic Theory I

Information presented in this course is designed to present and discuss how to obtain medical and dental histories and deliberate on specific medical and dental conditions that have explicit relevance to the practice of orthodontics, illustrate how to perform intra and extra oral examinations, familiarize the student with the various growth patterns and discuss the interrelationship of growth and orthodontic treatment, review the orthodontic record taking procedures and present how to utilize the obtained information to formulate an individualized treatment plan, discuss the various classifications of malocclusion, present the key requirements of an optimal occlusion including Andrew's six keys to normal occlusion, address the etiologies of malocclusion and understand the role of muscle pressure and oral habits on development of a malocclusion ,present the theories of tooth movement as well as types of orthodontic tooth movement, discuss the concept of anchorage and discuss the mechanical principals of force control .



Postgraduate Dental Program


Credits 3