Sociology (MA)
The Department of Sociology and Criminology is a vibrant and diverse department offering both the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Sociology. In the Department, the Master of Arts (M.A.) program serves primarily as the first graduate degree for students seeking academic careers, while the Ph.D. degree is ideal for high level social science positions in the public and private sectors. Students seeking careers in middle level social science positions in the government or private sectors may pursue the M.A. program as a terminal degree.
- A maximum of 3 thesis credits may be taken per semester. In addition, a maximum of 6 thesis credits may be counted towards the credits required for program completion.
- A maximum of 3 research credits may be taken per semester. In addition, a maximum of 6 thesis credits may be counted towards the credits required for program completion.
- Howard University graduate students are required to be continuously registered in the doctoral program until they have advanced to candidacy at which time they become eligible to enroll in MA Thesis courses.
- Independent Masters Thesis Research courses are not required; they are independent study courses for students to develop their dissertation proposals and dissertation manuscript under the direction of their dissertation advisor if they have completed the MA Thesis required credit hours.
General Sociology & Theory Credits Required
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Sub-Total Credits
Methods & Statistics Credits Required
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Options: Courses under subject code SOCI at level 200 and above)
Non-Thesis Option - 12 credits total
Thesis Option - 6 credits total
Sub-Total Credits
Independent Research
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