Society Culture and Religion


SCRL-205 : Psychology of Religion

Treats psychological factors in religious experience, with special reference to their significance in the phenomena of conversion, revivals, mysticism, personality structure, and social action.


Credits 3

SCRL-220 : World Religions

Analysis of concepts and practices in the non-Christian religions, treating each religion in terms of its ideals, ethics, world view, or theology, and contributions by great leaders.


Credits 3

SCRL-228 : Theories & Methods in Religious Studies

This course will engage the more prominent theories that have emerged since the Enlightenment that have attempted to explain religious phenomenon in rational terms. These include models rooted in social, psychological, economic, political, orientalist, structuralist, post-modern and post-colonial explanatory paradigms. The course will engage in methodological issues central to the field of Religious Studies stemming from these approaches.


Credits 3