HISU-430 : Dialogue w/ Islam in Christian Society

This course introduces an internal view of the beliefs, practices, institutions, and history of Islam. This course explores the emergence and development of Islam as both a religion, a culture and civilization. The extensive course work and authentic hands-on methodologies fosters critical thinking, placing students at the forefront of current events and intriguing conversation within the Christian-Muslim community. It examines Islam's origins, historical development of its basic metaphysical, essential doctrines, and the present state of the Muslim modern world. The course fosters creative and authentic analysis to the economic, political and social challenges involving Muslims. The instructional method includes lecture, multimedia instruction, interactive student presentations, and group discussion. Dialoguing on how to establish a pluralistic community embracing the higher values is an important objective of this course. Upon the completion of the course, students will be trained to design, organize and facilitate a World Caf'e9 Dialogue, as part of the course curriculum.



Historical Studies


Credits 3