CLPS-426 : IT 2 - Cardiology/Critical Care

Module Content: Hypertension, Heart Failure, Venous Thromboembolism, Hyperlipidemias, Ischemic Heart Disease, Arrhythmias, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Myocardial Infarction, Shock, and Peripheral Vascular Disease. The course is structured in a modular format and complemented with Integrative Therapeutics Laboratory with lectures, labs and onsite practice activities led by clinical faculty. In order for students to achieve the course goals and objectives, a variety of teaching methods will be applied. Students participate in traditional lectures, small group discussions, practical laboratory exercises, onsite senior shadowing with direct patient care activities, SOAP case write-ups, SOAP presentations and Oral exam to reinforce didactic teachings and overall student learning; however, the primary focus of the module is provided by traditional lectures. The Cardiovascular Module engage students in learning about the pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of various disease states that affect the heart and vasculature with an emphasis on addressing practical information relevant to the practice of pharmacy. Students will learn to make appropriate therapy choices, define goals of therapy, and learn to assess whether these goals are being achieved. Students will learn to create, implement and monitor pharmaceutical care plans. A goal of this course is to introduce students to patient-specific cardiovascular disease state management and enhance their clinical skills. Integrative Therapeutics Lab I complements the didactic Integrative Therapeutics I Cardiovascular Module course and facilitates the process of team building by making the basic knowledge taught in the didactic course "come alive" in structured case studies lab exercises. Thus, the didactic lecture material will be expanded, reinforced and made practical by the case-based learning method. Cases will cover material taught in prior semesters to ensure adequate understanding of both the basic sciences and clinical application of therapeutics. Practice skills on the key assessment parameters required for optimal pharmaceutical care of a patient will be enforced. Assessment skills covered in the lab are those needed to make effective drug therapy decisions or recommendations and monitor the patient's response to drug therapy. These include interpretation of laboratory information, physical assessment, disease and drug monitoring, and case evaluation.



Clinical & Pharmacy Science


Credits 3