CLPS-372 : IT Lab 2

The Integrative Therapeutics (IT) Lab II modular formatted courses which are organized by organ systems. The IT Lab 3 and 4 courses are intended to provide the student with a review of prescription and non-prescription (OTC) medications and medical devices and health care products commonly encountered in pharmacy practice. The appropriate selection, rational use, therapeutic efficacy and issues, warnings, precautions, contraindications, drug interactions, use in pregnancy and lactation of prescription and non-prescription medications will be studied. In addition, an emphasis will be placed on counseling patients on the selection and proper use of non-prescription (OTC) medications and devices. The course will provide students with opportunities for increasing their problem-solving skills through the use of a modified problem-based learning approach. Students are scheduled to attend two large group sessions each week.





Clinical & Pharmacy Science


Credits 2